Prof. Dr. Abdul Hamid
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Prof. Dr. Abdul Hamid 
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Degree From To Major Institute/University
PostDoc 2009 2011 Horticulture University of Aberystwyth, UK
PostDoc 2007 2009 Horticulture University of Sussex, UK
Ph.D. 1998 2001 Horticulture People\\\'s Friendship University, Moscow, Russia
M.Sc. (Hons.) 1988 1990 Agriculture UAF, Pakistan
B.Sc. (Hons.) 1981 1985 Agriculture UAF, Pakistan
Designation Organization From To
Professor (BPS-21) / Chairman Deptt. of Hort. UAJK May,2007 February,2012
Professor (BPS-20) UAJK August,2004 May,2007
Associate Professor UAJK May,2003 August,2004
Assistant Professor UAJK October,1994 May,2003
Lecturer UAJK March,1987 September,1994
Treasurer / Director Planning & Development University of Poonch Rawalakot April,2012 November,-0001
Research Projects
Title Description Sponsoring agency Amount
Leaf structural, physiological and biochemical responses of some high potential medicinal plants Higher Education Commission Islamabad, Pakistan Rs. 4.998 Million
Exploring suitable cultivars of potato for quality seed multiplication at high elevation of Poonch University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Muzaffarabad Rs. 0.15 Million
Evaluation of exotic and indigenous varieties of Cauliflower and cucumber for adaptability, yield University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Muzaffarabad Rs. 0.15 Million
Studies on cabbage for quality seed production in different localities of Poonch valley University Grants Commission Islamabad, Pakistan Rs. 0.42 Million
Capacity Institute/University
Member, Board of Studies University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir
Member Islamabad Horticultural Society
Member Weed Science Society of Pakistan
Member Pakistan Association for Advancement of Sciences
Member Purchase Committee University of Poonch Rawalakot
Associate Editor Kashmir Research Journal of Natural Sciences , UAJK
Zahid, N., M. Maqbool, M.M. Tahir, A. Hamid, A. Ahmad, M.S. Khalid, H.U. Rehman, N. Masood, S.I. Awan, J.R. Khan, A. Ali, S.Z.A. Shah. 2021. Nutritional diversity and antioxidant activity of two indigenous quince ecotypes from Rawalakot, Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Journal of Food Quality, Volume 2021, Article ID 1129998, 9 pages. (IF: 2.450)
Zahid, N., M. Maqbool, M.M. Tahir, S. Horvitz, A. Hamid, M.S. Khalid, S. Ejaz, R. Jawad, S.I. Awan, A. Rehman, A. Ali. 2022. Influence of organic and inorganic fertilizer regimes on growth patterns and antioxidants capacity of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) cv. Chandler. Journal of Food Quality, Volume 2022, Article ID 8618854, 10 pages. (IF: 2.546)
Zahid, N., M. Maqbool, A. Hamid, M. Shehzad, M.M. Tahir, K. Mubeen, H.M.R. Javeed, H.U. Rehman, M. Ali, A. Ali, P. O’Reilly, S.Z.A. Shah, 2021. Changes in vegetative and reproductive growth and postharvest quality of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) cv. Chandler grown at different substrates. Journal of Food Quality, Volume 2021, Article ID 9996073, 9 pages. (IF: 2.450)
Salma Anjum, Rabia Khadim, Syed zulfiqar Ali Shah, Abdul Hamid, Sohail Ahmad Jan,Zebta Khan Shinwari,Nazir Ahmad,Abdul Ghafoor (2019). Biochemical characterization of geographically diverse Mentha Species from Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 28:1336-1344. (Impact Factor 0.673)
Iqbal, M. A., Hamid, A., Ahmad, T., Siddiqui, M. H., Hussain, I., Ali, S., ... & Ahmad, Z. (2019). Forage sorghum-legumes intercropping: effect on growth, yields, nutritional quality and economic returns. Bragantia, 78(1), 82-95. (Impact Factor 1.008)
Iqbal, M. A., Abdul H., Muzammil, H.S., Imtiaz, H., Tanveer, A., Saira,I., Anser, A (2019).A meta-analysis of the impact of foliar feeding of micronutrients on productivity and revenue generation of forage cops. Planta Daninha, v37:e019189237. (Impact Factor 0.544)
Muhammad Aamir Iqbal, Abdul Hamid, Imtiaz Hussain, Muzammil H. Siddiqui, Tanveer Ahmad, Abdul Khaliq and Zahoor Ahmad. 2018. Competitive indices in cereal and legume mixtures in a South Asian environment. Agronomy Journal, 110 (7): 1-8. Doi: 10.2134/agronj2017.11.0658 (Impact Factor 1.897)
Kayani, F.A., N. Zahid, M. Maqbool, M.J. Ahmed, A. Hamid, S.Z.A. Shah and A. Yaqoob. 2018. Effect of climatic factors on sooty blotch, flyspeck intensity and fruit quality of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.). Pure and Applied Biology, 7(2): 727-735. (HEC Y-Category)
Shehzad, I., M. Maqbool, N. Zahid, S.Z.A. Shah, M.J. Ahmed, A. Hamid, A. Yaqoob and M.A. Shehzad. 2018. Effect of organic fungicides on sooty blotch, flyspeck and quality of apple cv. Banki grown in Rawalakot, Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Pure and Applied Biology, 7(1): 400-406. (HEC Y-Category)
Sajida Begum, Sajjad Hussain, Ansar Mehmood*, Khawaja Shafique Ahmad., Abdul Hamid. 2018. Harnessing the potential of medicinal plants used for the treatment of diabetes in rural areas of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 6(5):6549-6566. (Impact Factor 0.721)
K.S. Ahmed., M.Hameed., A.Hamid., F. Nawaz., B. H. Kiani., M. S. A. Ahmed., J. Deng., F. Ahmed., I. Hussain and S. Fatima. 2018. Beating cold by being tough:Impact of elevation on leaf characteristics in Phleum himalaicum Mes. Endemic to Himalaya. Acta Phys.Plant. (Impact Factor 1.364)
K. S. Ahmad., A. Hamid., F. Nawaz., M. Hameed., F. Ahmad., J. Deng, N. Akhtar., A. Wazarat and S. Mahroof. 2017. Ethnopharmacological studies of indigenous plants in Kel village, Neelum Valley, Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. J. Ethnobio. Ethnomed.13:68. DOI 10.1186/s13002-017-0196-1. (Impact Factor 1.903)
N. Akhtar., M. Hameed., A. Hamid., F. Nawaz., K. S. Ahmad., J. Deng., A. Mehmood., C. Segovia?Salcedo., M. M. Shahnaz and A. Q. Khan. 2017. Effects of nickel toxicity on morphological and physiological aspects of osmoregulation in Typha domingensis (Typhaceae) populations. Limnology. DOI. 10.1007/s10201-017-0529-8.(Impact Factor 1.02)
M. Akram, S. Hussain, A. Hamid, S. Majeed, S. A. Chaudary, Z. A. Shah, A. Yaqoob, F. Kayani, U. Arif, K. Fareed, F. Jamil, Z. Mehmood, S. Basher, A. A. Arif and N. Akhter. 2017. Interactive Effect of Phosphorus and Potassium on Growth, Yield, Quality and Seed Production of Chili (Capsicum annuum L.). J. Hortic. 4(1): 192-97.(Impact Factor 0.73)
K.S. Ahmad, M Hameed, J. Deng, M. Ashraf, A. Hamid, F. Ahmad, S. Fatima & N. Akhtar. 2016. Ecotypic adaptations in Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon) for altitudinal stress tolerance. Biologia, 71(8): 885-895.(Impact Factor 0 .719)
Akhtar N, *Ahmad KS, Hameed M, Nawaz F, Hamid A, Segovia-Salcedo C, Mehmood A, Shahnaz MM. 2017. Leaf anatomical and biochemical adaptations in Typha domingensis pers. ecotypes for salinity tolerance Bot. Sci., 95:1-15. (Impact Factor 0 .496)
K. S. Ahmad, M. Hameed, M. Ashraf, A. Hamid, F. Nawaz, J. Deng, F. Ahmad and Sana Fatima. 2016. Leaf Physiological and Biochemical Adaptations in Leptothrium senegalense (Poaceae) to Salt Stress. Phyton, 56 (2): 277-291.(Impact Factor 0 .43)
M. Hussain, K. S. Ahmad, M. Majeed, A. Mehmood, A. Hamid, M. M. Yousaf, M. S. Chaudhry, M.J. Shah, K. Hussain, B. Ahmad, A. Qadir Khan. 2016. Integrated management of Helicoverpa armigera on different genotypes of Kabuli chickpea in Punjab, Pakistan. Int. J. Biosci. 9(2): 110-119. (ISI index Journal)
Hussain S., Y. Teng, A. Hamid, S. Z. A. Shah, A. H. Shah, A. Yaqoob, T. Ali and M. Ahmed. 2016. Carbohydrate changes during dormancy release in floral, vegetative buds and bark tissues of pear cultivar ‘Wonhwang’ cutting following dormancy breaking agents treatment. Int. J. Envrn. Agri. Res. 2(3): 53-64. (Impact Factor 1.23)
Akram M., A. Hamid., A. Khalil., A. Ghaffar., N. Nayyaba., A. Saeed., M. Ali and A. Naveed. 2014. Review on Medicinal uses, Pharmacological, Phytochemistry and Immunomodulatory Activity of Plants. Int. J. Imunpth, phrmcol. 27(3):313-319. (Impact Factor 2.507)
Asmatullah K., S. M. Sabir., H. Nazar., A. Hamid., K. Usmanghani., and H. Ali. 2014. Antioxidant activities and inhibitory effects of dietary plants against sodium nitroprusside induced lipid peroxidation in the mouse brain and liver. Food Sci. Bio-tec. 23(4):1305-13-31(Impact Factor 0.656)
Akram M and A. Hamid. 2013. Mini Review on Fructose metabolism. Obesity Research and clinical Practice, 7(2):89-94 (Impact Factor 0.697)
Fahmida M. A., Zafar M., Hamid A., Ahmed M., Khalik A., Khan M. R. and Rehman Z. 2013. Interactive Effect of Cobalt and Nitrogen on Growth, Nodulation, Yield and Protein Content of Field Grown Pea. Hort. Envirn. Biotechnol. 54(6):465-474. (Impact Factor 0.725)
Sabir S. M , S.D. Ahmad, A. Hamid, M. Q. Khan, M.L. Athayde , D.B. Santos, A.A. Boligon, J.B.T. Rocha. 2012. Antioxidant and hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic extract of leaves of Solidago microglossa containing polyphenolic compounds. Food Chemistry 131:741-47 (Impact Factor 3.334)
Hamid. A,. 2002. Effect of sowing time on the morphogensis of mother plants, structure of seed plants and seed setting at heterogamic bud pollination in self-incompatible lines of early cabbage. Terralia, Vol. 6 (27): 72-75. Spain
Monakhos G.F. and A. Hamid. 2001. Using sodium chloride with propagation of self- incompatible lines of white head cabbage. Izvectia. Moscow. Vol, 2. P.73-80 (Impact Factor journal)
Monakhos G. F., A. Hamid., M. Qayyum and A.Y. Kylenkamp. 2001. Effect of sowing time and planting distance on the parental lines of cabbage for hybrid seed production in the sub-tropical conditions of Pakistan. Dokladi TCXA Vol. 273, Russia
Hamid. A,. 2000. Effect of Sodium Chloride Solution on the seed formation at auto- gamic pollination of self-incompatible lines of early and mid season cabbage. Proc. Int. Sci. Conf.VNIIO.p.12-14. Russia
Monakhos. G. F., A. Y. Kylinkump and A. Hamid. 2000. Bud age effect of self- incompatible lines of cabbage on seed formation by self- pollination. .Dokladi TCXA. Moscow.Vol, 272. p. 88-91,
Akram M and Hamid A. 2013. Mini Review on Fructose metabolism. Obesity Research and clinical Practice, 7(2):89-94
Akram M and Hamid A. 2013. .Comprehensive Review on Water Balance, Biomedicine and Preventive Nutrition. Elsevier
Sabir S. M , S.D. Ahmad, Hamid A, M.Q. Khan, M.L. Athayde , D.B. Santos, A.A. Boligon, J.B.T. Rocha. 2012. Antioxidant and hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic extract of leaves of Solidago microglossa containing polyphenolic compounds. Food Chemistry 131:741-47 (Impact Factor Journal)
Raja Mohib Muazzam Naz, Sher Muhammad, Abdul Hamid and Farida Bibi. 2012. Effect of boron on the flowering and fruiting of tomato. Sarhad J. Agric. Vol.28(1):
Akram M, Hamid A and asif HM. 2012. Aegle marmelos: A potential source of Phytpmedicine. Wudpecker Journal of medicinal plants, 1(1):08-10
Khan A, Hamid A and Akram M. 2012. Diuretic activity of Unani medicine (Simple and Compound drugs), Conservation and sustainable Utilization of Medicinal Plants in Pakistan. PARC, 197-212.
Hamid, A., M. Ahmed., A. H. Shah and G. F. Monakhos. 2010. Self incompatibility and seed setting through heterogamic bud pollination and autogamic pollination of flowers as affected by location of bud/ flower on plant, air temperature and time of pollination in self incompatible inbred lines of head cabbage. Sarhad J. Agric. 26(1): 1-5.
Maqsood A., M. A. Anjum., A. H. Shah and A. Hamid. 2010. Invitro preservation of pyrus germplasm with minimal growth using different temperature regimes. Pak. J. Bot., 42(3): 1639-1650. (Impact Factor Journal)
Shazia A., S. D. Ahmed., A. H. Shah., L. Hassan., S. I. Awan., A. Hamid and F. Batool. 2010. Determination of optimum harvesting time for vitamin C, oil and mineral elements in berries Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae Rhamnoides). Pak. J. Bot., 42(5):3561-3568 (Impact Factor Journal)
Hamid, A. 2007. self-incompatibility and bud age for seed setting in SI- lines of head cabbage. Pak. J. Seed Technology. 1(10): 8-13.
Hamid, A., A. Saleem and K. Mahmood. 2007. Productive potential of five potato cultivars and their suitability for seed potato production under Rawalakot conditions. Pak. J. Seed Technology. 1(10): 38-44.
Jakusko, B. B., M.U Usmani Khail and A. Hamid. 2007. Post-harvest handling and storage of fresh tomato fruits. Life Sci. Int. J. 1(2): 136- 140.
Hamid, A., M. Ahmed., F. Kiani and and A. Farook. 2005. Performance of tomato varieties for growth and yield under Rawalakot conditions. Sarhad J. Agric. 21(2): 201-03
Hamid, A., M. Ahmed., A. Farook and F. Kayani. 2005. Growth and yield Performance of four cauliflower cultivars under the agro-climatic conditions of Rawalakot, Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Bio-Sci. Res 2(1): 56-60.
Hamid A., M. Q. Khan and M. R. Khan. 2004. Correlation of seed yield components and nitrogen side dressing on the seed production of kitchen kale. Sarhad J. Agri. Vol.20, (1): 33-38.
Maqsood A., M. F. Khan., A. Hamid and A. Hussain. 2004 Effect of urea, DAP and FYM on growth and flowering of Dahlia (Dahlia variabilis). Int. J. Agri. Biol. V0l. 6(2): 393-95.
Maqsood A., A. Hamid., A. Hussain and M. Khalid. 2004. Comparative study of some apple cultivars with different propagation techniques. Pak. J. Sci. Res. Vol. 56(5-6):9-12.
Maqsood A., A. Hamid and Z. Akbar. 2004. Growth and yield performance of six cucumber (cucumis sativus L.) cultivars under agro-climatic conditions of Rawalakot, Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Int. J. Agri. Biol. Vol. 6(2):396-399.
Maqsood. A., A. Hamid and M. Ashraf. 2004. Studies of Pea cultivars at different sowing dates under Rawalakot conditions. Pak. J. Arid. Agri. Vol. 7(1):49-53
Hamid A., M. Ahmed., S. Gul and A. Q. Mohsin. 2003. Seed production of white head cabbage under the agro-climatic conditions of Rawalakot. PJST. Vol. 1 (3): 33-41
Hamid A., J. D. Baloch and K. Naeemullah; 2002. Performance of six cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) genotypes in Swat. Int. J. Agri. Bio. 4 (4): 491-492
Hamid A., 2002. Seed yield performance of radish depending on steckling size under the sub-tropical conditions of Azad Kashmir. A. J. Plnt. Sci.Vol. 1 (6): 636-637.
Jalal-ud-Din B., H. M. Sabir and A. Hamid. 2001. Effect of different pruning intensities and dates on the growth and yield of Phalsa (Grewia Asiatica). Pak.J.Pl.Sci., 7(1-2):36-41
Hamid A., J. D. Baloch and A. A. Jan. 2000. Effect of Pre- emergence herbicides application on three cultivars of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.). Pak. J. Sci. Res. Vol,52. No.3-4. P.29-32.
Hamid A., Ashfaq Ahmad and Z. A. Shah. 1999. Effect of different doses of NPK on the yield and quality of Plum (Prunus salicina L.). Pak. J. Arid Agric. (2): 2, 33-36
Hamid A., and Z. M. Jarral, 1998. Effect of different plant spacing on the growth and development of Sprouting Broccoli (Brassica oleracea Italica plenck.) at Rawalakot. Pak. J. Sci. Res. 50 (1-2): 40-42.
Hassan. M. A., A. Hamid and Z. A. Shah. 1994. Effect of different dates of sowing on the development and early productivity of Okra plants (Abelmoschus esculentus.L). JAPS. 4: 55-56
Hamid A, A., R. Assi and Q. Zaman. 1994. Effect of micronutrients on the growth and yield of potato crop. J. Agric. Res. 32: 289-294. (Impact Factor Journal)
Shah. Z. A., Y. Ali and A. Hamid. 1993. Relationship between age of seedlings and Productivity in onion (Allium cepa L). JAPS. 3: 130-131 (Impact Factor Journal)