Dr. Qamar Din
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Dr. Qamar Din 
Associate Professor 
Dynamical Systems 
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Ph.D. 2007 2012 Mathematics Abdus Salam School of Mathematical Sciences, GC University, Lahore, Pakistan
Designation Organization From To
Associate Professor (Tenured) University of Poonch Rawalakot March,2020 Continue
Assistant Professor (TTS) University of Poonch Rawalakot March,2014 March,2020
Assistant Professor University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad July,2012 March,2014
Research Projects
Title Description Sponsoring agency Amount
Some novel classes of predator-prey interaction with non-overlapping generations: stability......... NRPU HEC Rs 2424200
Capacity Institute/University
Associate Professor (Tenured) University of Poonch Rawalakot, Azad Kashmir
(28) M. S. Shabbir, Q. Din, R. Alabdan, et al., Dynamical complexity in a class of novel discrete-time predator-prey interaction with cannibalism, IEEE Access, 8(2020), 100226 – 100240, IF=4.098
(27) M. B. Ajaz, U. Saeed, Q. Din, I. Ali, M. I. Siddiqui, Bifurcation analysis and chaos control in discrete-time modified Leslie–Gower prey harvesting model, Advances in Difference Equations, 2020(1)(2020): 45, IF=2.421
(26) Q. Din, W. Ishaque, Bifurcation analysis and chaos control in discrete-time eco–epidemiological models of pelicans at risk in the Salton Sea, International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 8(2020), 132-148.
(25) X. Ma, Q. Din, M. Rafaqat, N. Javaid, Y. Feng, A density-dependent host-parasitoid model with stability, bifurcation and chaos control, Mathematics, 8(2020): 536, IF= 1.747
(24) M. Shakeel, M. Asad Iqbal, Q. Din, Q. Mahmood-Ul- Hassan, K. Ayub, New exact solutions for coupled nonlinear system of ion sound and Langmuir waves, Indian Journal of Physics, 94 (2020), 885–894, IF=1.242
(23) A. A. Elsadany, Q. Din, S. M. Salman, Qualitative properties and bifurcations of discrete-time Bazykin-Berezovskaya predator-prey model, International Journal of Biomathematics, 13(06)(2020): 2050040, IF=1.085
(22) Y. Lin, Q. Din, M. Rafaqat, et al., Dynamics and chaos control for a discrete-time Lotka-Volterra model, IEEE Access, 8(2020), 126760-126775, IF=4.098
(21) M. S. Shabbir, Q. Din, K. Ahmad, et al., Bifurcation and chaos control of a novel discrete-time model involving Allee effect and cannibalism, Advances in Difference Equations, 2020(2020), 379, IF=2.421
(20) Z. Chen, Q. Din, M. Rafaqat, et al., Discrete-time predator-prey interaction with selective harvesting and predator self-limitation, Journal of Mathematics, 2020(2020): 6737098, IF=0.712
(19) Q. Din, K. Haider, Discretization, bifurcation analysis and chaos control for Schnakenberg model, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 58(8)(2020), 1615-1649, IF=2.357
(18) Q. Din, N. Saleem, M. S. Shabbir, A class of discrete predator-prey interaction with bifurcation analysis and chaos control, Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 15(2020): 60, IF=4.157
(17) A. Tassaddiq, M. S. Shabbir, Q. Din, et al., A ratio-dependent nonlinear predator-prey model with certain dynamical results, IEEE Access, 8(2020), 195074-195088, IF=4.098
(16) S. S. Zhou, H. Jahanshahi, Q. Din, et al., Discrete-time macroeconomic system: Bifurcation analysis and synchronization using fuzzy-based activation feedback control, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 142(2021): 110378, IF= 5.944
(15) U. Saeed, Mujeeb ur Rehman, K. Javed, Q. Din, S. Haider, Fractional Gegenbauer wavelets operational matrix method for solving nonlinear fractional differential equations, Mathematical Sciences, 15(2021), 83-97, IF=1.986
(14) Q. Din, A. M. Yousef, A. A. Elsadany, Stability and bifurcation analysis of a discrete singular bioeconomic system, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2021(2021): 6679161, IF=1.348
(13) Q. Din, W. Ishaque, M. A. Iqbal, U. Saeed, Modification of Nicholson-Bailey model under refuge effects with stability, bifurcation and chaos control, Journal of Vibration and Control, (2021), https://doi.org/10.1177/10775463211034021, IF=3.096
(12) M. Taj, M. A. Khadimallah, M. Hussain, Y. Rashid, W. Ishaque, S. R. Mahmoud, Q. Din, et al., Discretization and bifurcation analysis of tumor immune interaction in fractional form, Advances in Nano Research, 10(4)(2021), 359-371, IF=13.052
(11) W. Ishaque, Q. Din, M. Taj, Mutual interference and its effects on searching efficiency between predator-prey interaction with bifurcation analysis and chaos control, Journal of Vibration and Control, (2021), https://doi.org/10.1177/10775463211056475, IF=3.096
(10) M. Ozair, Q. Din, T. Donchev, T. Hussain, Stability, control and discretization for a smoking model, Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 49(1)(2021), 25 – 38, IF=0.515
(9) Q. Din, M. I. Khan, A discrete-time model for consumer-resource interaction with stability, bifurcation and chaos control, Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems,20(2) (2021), 1-35, IF=1.419
(8) Q. Din, Dynamics and chaos control for a novel model incorporating plant quality index and larch budmoth interaction, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 153(2021): 111595, IF=5.944
(7) Q. Din, M. S. Shabbir, M. A. Khan, A Cubic Autocatalator Chemical Reaction Model with Limit Cycle Analysis and Consistency Preserving Discretization, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 87(2)(2022), 441-462, IF=2.497
(6) Q. Din, Dynamics and Hopf Bifurcation of a Chaotic Chemical Reaction Model, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 88(2)(2022), 351-369, IF=2.497
(5) EM Elsayed, Q. Din, NA Bukhary, Theoretical and numerical analysis of solutions of some systems of nonlinear difference equations, AIMS Mathematics, 7(8)(2022): 15532-15549, IF=2.739
(4) A. Tassaddiq, M. S. Shabbir, Q. Din, H. Naaz, Discretization, bifurcation, and control for a predator–prey model, Fractal and Fractional, 6(1)(2022): 31, IF=3.313
(3) U. Saeed, S. Idrees, K. Javed, Q. Din, Krawtchouk wavelets method for solving Caputo and Caputo–Hadamard fractional differential equations, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, (2022), in press, DOI: 10.1002/mma.8452, IF=2.321
(2) Q. Din, MA Zulfiqar, Qualitative behavior of a discrete predator-prey system under fear effects, Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung A, (2022), DOI: 10.1515/ZNA-2022-0129, IF=1.712
(1) Q. Din, Complex dynamical behavior and control of a discrete ecological model, Journal of Vibration and Control, (2022), in press, IF=2.633