Dr. Junaid Rahim
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Dr. Junaid Rahim 
Assistant Professor, TTS (HEC Approved) 
Urban & Medical Entomology 
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Ph.D. 2014 2017 Entomology Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia
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Research Associate University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir April,2010 June,2012
Research Projects
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Mosquito species distribution, ecology and their potential epidemiological implications P.I HEC 0.5 Million
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Assistant Professor (TTS) University of the Poonch, Rawalakot
Jabbar, A., Iqbal, A., Iqbal, M.A., Sheikh, U.A.A., Rahim, J., Khalid, S., Hafez, R.M., Shah, A.U.H., Khan, A.A., Bazmi, M.S.A. and Hussain, A., 2022. Egyptian Clover Genotypic Divergence and Last Cutting Management Augment Nutritive Quality, Seed Yield and Milk Productivity. Sustainability, 14(10), p.5833.
Alkhayat, F.A., Ahmad, A.H., Rahim, J., Imran, M. and Sheikh, U.A.A., 2022. Distribution and diversity of aquatic insects in different water bodies of Qatar. Brazilian Journal of Biology, 84.
Iqbal, M.A., Raza, R.Z., Zafar, M., Ali, O.M., Ahmed, R., Rahim, J., Ijaz, R., Ahmad, Z. and Bethune, B.J., 2022. Integrated Fertilizers Synergistically Bolster Temperate Soybean Growth, Yield, and Oil Content. Sustainability, 14(4), p.2433.
Naz, M., Islam, M.S., Iqbal, M.A., Okana, S., Disna, R., Hossain, A., Mubeen, M., Rahim, J., Imran, M., Tahjib-Ul-Arif, M. and Ahmed, S., 2021. Role of Transporters during Heavy Metals Toxicity in Plants. In Heavy Metal Toxicity in Plants (pp. 49-62). CRC Press.
Sarwar, Z.M., Sajjad, M., Farhan, M., Najam-ul-Hassan, M., Shahzad, M.F., Binyameen, M., Ali, I., Rahim, J., Hashem, M., Alamri, S. and ur Rehman, H., 2021. Taxonomy and distribution of agriculturally important plusiinae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) from southern Punjab, Pakistan. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 28(10), pp.5720-5727.
Aamir Iqbal, M., Iqbal, A., Ahmad, Z., Raza, A., Rahim, J., Imran, M., Sheikh, U.A.A., Maqsood, Q., Soufan, W., Sahloul, N. and Sorour, S., 2021. Cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp] herbage yield and nutritional quality in cowpea-sorghum mixed strip intercropping systems. Revista mexicana de ciencias pecuarias, 12(2), pp.402-418.
Khalid, A.R., Zhang, S., Luo, X., Shaheen, H., Majeed, A., Maqbool, M., Zahid, N., Rahim, J., Ren, M. and Qiu, D., 2021. Functional Analysis of Autophagy-Related Gene ATG12 in Potato Dry Rot Fungus Fusarium oxysporum. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(9).4932.
Iqbal, M.A., J. Rahim, W. Naeem, S. Hassan, Y. Khattab and A. El Sabagh. 2020. Rainfed winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars respond differently to integrated fertilization in Pakistan. Fres. Environ. Bull., 30: 1112-1121.
Alkhayat, F.A., Ahmad, A.H., Rahim, J., Dieng, H., Ismail, B.A., Imran, M., Sheikh, U.A.A., Shahzad, M.S., Abid, A.D. and Munawar, K., 2020. Charaterization of mosquito larval habitats in Qatar. Saudi journal of biological sciences, 27(9),2358-2365.
Karamat S, Ashraf N, Akhtar T, Rahim F, Shafi N, Khalid S, Shahid B, Khawaja S, Rahim J, Majeed Z, Lateef Z. 2020. CO1-Based DNA barcoding for assessing diversity of Pteropus giganteus from the state of Azad Jammu Kashmir, Pakistan. Brazilian Journal of Biology.10;81:584-91.
Khalid AR, Zhang S, Luo X, Mehmood K, Rahim J, Shaheen H, Dong P, Qiu D, Ren M. 2019. Role of autophagy-related gene atg22 in developmental process and virulence of Fusarium oxysporum. Genes.10(5):365.
Rahim J, Ahmad AH, Maimusa HA, Shah I. 2018. Updated abundance and distribution of Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae) in Penang Island, Malaysia. Trop Biomed. In Press (I.F. 0.7)
Rahim J, Ahmad AH, Ahmad H, Ishak IH, Rusul AC, Maimusa HA. 2017. Adulticidal susceptibility evaluation of Aedes albopictus Skuse (Diptera: Culicidae) on Penang Island, Malaysia using new diagnostic doses. J Am Mosq Contr Assoc 33: 200-208. (I.F. 0.8).
Rahim J, Ahmad AH, Maimusa HA. 2017. Effects of temephos resistance on life history traits of Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae), a vector of arboviruses. Rev Bras Entomol. Doi.org/10.1016/j.rbe.2017.08.001. (I.F. 0.7).
Hamisu AM, Abu Hassan A, Nur Faeza AK, Hamdan A, Dieng H and Rahim J. 2017. Contribution of public places in proliferation of dengue vectors in Penang Island, Malaysia. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed 7:193- 197. Elsevier.
Hamisu AM, Abu Hassan A, Nur Faeza AK, Hamdan A, Dieng H, Rahim J and Dahiru M. 2017. Biochemical screening of Lactobacilli in midguts of wild Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. A step toward paratransgenesis candidates. Entomol Res DOI: 10.1111/1748-5967.12248 (I.F. 0.6).
Hamisu AM, Abu Hassan A, Nur Faeza AK, Rahim J. 2016. Age-Stage, Two-Sex Life Table Characteristics of Aedes albopictus and Aedes Aegypti in Penang Island, Malaysia. J Am Mosquito Contr Assoc 32:1-11. (I.F. 0.8).
Rahim J, Ahmad AH, Kassim NFA, Ahjmad H, Ishak IH, Rusul AC, Maimusa HA. 2016. Revised discriminating lethal doses for resistance monitoring programme on Aedes albopictus against temephos and malathion in Penang island, Malaysia. J Am Mosq Contr Assoc 32: 210-216. (I.F. 0.8).
S Arif, MR Khan, A Shehzad, N NazirRahim J, F Naz, A Rafi. 2014. Biodiversity of syrphid flies (Syrphidae: Diptera) from Poonch district of Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. Journal of Agricultural Technology 10 (6), 1465-1472.
MR Khan, MA Rafi, N Nazir, IA Khan, IA Khan, A Hayat, A Ghaffar, Rahim J, F Perveen. 2014. Biodiversity of butterflies from poonch division of Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. International journal of agricultural. Technology 10 (4), 885-898.
N Nazir, K Mehmood, M Ashfaq, Rahim J. 2014. Morphological and molecular identification of acridid grasshoppers (Acrididae: Orthoptera) from Poonch division, Azad Jammu Kashmir, Pakistan. Journal of Threatened Taxa 6 (3), 5544-5552.
Rahim J, Khan, M. R. Khan, M. A. G. Nazir N. 2013. Biodiversity of Ground Beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) From District Poonch, Azad Kashmir. Pak J Zool 45: 1463-1467. SC. (I.F. 0.4).